Image: @laurenmancke
Products you’ll need (2)
Forky (from Toy Story)
Has instructions
Make together
Products you’ll need (2)
- One white kids outfit
- Coat hangers
- Red giant chenille stems
- White foam
- Red felt
- Blue felt
- Cream felt
- Googly eyes
- Tan foam
- Rainbow sticker
- Scissors
- Needle and thread
- Adhesive sheets
- Weather strip filler rope
- Pencil
This Halloween, DIY your costume just like Bonnie DIY's her toys! With our easy DIY Forky costume, get ready to watch your little one adventure the night away in comfort and style. The best part is that after Halloween is over this costume will transform from “trash” into a brand new rewearable Primary pajama set!
For the headpiece:
- Cut two matching pieces of white felt in a large oval shape and cut three “V” shapes at the top edge for the fork.
- Hot glue the felt together at the edges and glue the “V” shapes together to create stiffness to hold up.
- Leave an opening at the bottom edge for the head to fit into.
- Cut opening for the mouth. Attach large googly eyes.
- Cut filler rope to the length for the eyebrow and lips.
- Using adhesive sheets, cover eyebrow with red felt and lips with blue felt.
- Attach to face with needle and thread (or glue).
For the arms:
- Twist 2 or 3 coat hangers together.
- Wrap the hangers with red giant chenille stems.
For the legs:
- Create cuffs from white foam.
- Use adhesive sheets to cover cuffs with cream felt.
For the feet:
- Cut tan foam in popsicle stick shapes and draw wood grain on them with pencil.
- Cut holes in both popsicle stick shapes for the ankles to go through. Poke two holes to attach to the child’s shoes with their laces.
- Add a rainbow sticker to complete the look.
- Want to make Forky the happiest toy in the world? Add a DIY Trash Can costume to the mix!
- For a DIY Baby Forky, use one white baby outfit
- Want to make a whole Toy Story Gang? Check out our DIY Buzz Lightyear, DIY Duke Caboom, and DIY Toy Story Group costumes!