Image: @_melissarohr
Products you’ll need (2)
Pete the Cat
Has instructions
Products you’ll need (2)
- One blue kids outfit
- Stiff blue felt
- Yellow felt
- White felt
- Blue felt
- Black elastic
- Stuffing (newspapers, felt scraps, or polyfil)
- Sharpie
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Safety pins
For the mask:
- Cut out some stiff blue felt in the shape of a cat's face. Measure your child's face and cut the eye holes. For Pete's eyes, use the yellow felt to cut out semi-circular hollow D-shapes. For the nose, use white felt. Hot glue the yellow and white felt pieces to the blue felt. Use a sharpie to draw on Pete's whiskers and eyebrows.
- Measure your child's head and cut a piece of black elastic to a length that will keep the mask snug and secure on their face. Hot glue the black elastic to both sides of the blue felt mask.
For the tail:
- Cut two curled tail pieces from soft blue felt. Stuff with newspapers, felt scraps, or polyfil and glue as you stuff.
- Attach to the back of the hoodie with a safety pin.
For the final touch:
- Have some fun with this costume! There are so many Pete the Cat stories out there that this costume can go a million ways.
- Add some red shoes, or big buttons in the front. Maybe even a blow up guitar!