Image: @mrsseacannon
Products you’ll need (2)
Simple Shark
Has instructions
Products you’ll need (2)
- One gray kids outfit
- Gray paper (1 sheet 8x10 inches)
- White paper (1 sheet 8x10 inches)
- Black marker
- Headband
- Cardboard
- Gray paint
- Paintbrush and paint tray
- Felt or string for straps
- Glue sticks
- Hot glue gun and sticks
If you can't find any simple shark accessories at the store to add on to your costume, see below for some how-to tips. And remember, you can make any color shark their heart desires!
- For the head: Cut a rounded triangle from gray paper. Cut two small gray circles and two smaller white circles for the eyes and glue a white circle to a gray one. Use a black marker to draw in small circles for the eyes and glue to the top sides of the triangle. Cut a smaller rounded triangle from white paper for the teeth and cut the bottom edge to make pointy teeth. Use a black marker to color in the bottom mouth onto the gray triangle and glue the white teeth over the top of the black part. Hot glue the paper shark head onto a headband.
- For the fin: Cut a triangle shaped fin from cardboard and paint it gray on both sides. Hot glue two felt straps or string to the fin to wear it on the back with straps over the shoulders.