Image: @primarydotcom
Products you’ll need (2)
Spider Ham (Into the Spider Verse)
Products you’ll need (2)
- One blue baby outfit
- Red felt (6 sheets 9”x12”)
- White felt (1 sheet 9”x12”)
- Black felt (1 sheet 9”x12”)
- Pipe cleaners (2)
- Black fabric paint with a fine tip
- Hot glue gun and sticks
- Double sided fabric tape
- Scissors
Maybe your kiddo wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider, but your love-bug will be wrapped in a web of comfort in our Primary DIY Spider-Verse costume. This super-simple Halloween look would make Peter Parker proud!
For a red felt covering for the hood:
- Flatten out the hood of hoodie and trace the hood shape onto a sheet of red felt and cut out, leaving an extra ½” along the top and back edge of the hood for the seam allowance.
- Trace and cut out another matching hood panel from red felt. Hot glue the top and back edges together and turn inside out. You now have a cover for the hood.
For the head eyes:
- Cut two ovals from black felt and two smaller felt ovals that fit on top for the eyes and glue together.
- Use a fine tipped black fabric squeeze paint to make the spiderweb design onto the red felt hood. Once dry, glue the eyes onto the hood.
For the snout:
- Cut an oval from red felt and use a fine tipped black fabric squeeze paint to make the spiderweb design onto the snout.
- Cut two small black ovals and two smaller white ovals for the nostrils and glue together.
- Glue the nostrils onto the snout once the paint is dry and glue onto the front edge of the red hood.
For the ears:
- Cut two sets of pointy ears from red felt and sandwich a pipe cleaner between each and glue together. Bend the ears to flop like Spider-Ham’s and glue to the top of the red hood.
- Attach the red hood over the blue hoodie hood with double sided fabric tape.
For the chest, sleeves, and legs:
- Cut red felt strips for the sleeves, a rectangle with wings on the bottom edge for the chest, and two rectangles for the legs.
- Use a fine tipped black fabric squeeze paint to make the spiderweb design and spider onto felt.
- Once dry, attach to hoodie and bottoms with double sided fabric tape.