Image: @meganweissberg
Products you’ll need (5)
Venus Flytrap & Fly
Products you’ll need (5)
- One green kids outfit
- One black kids hoodie
- One gray kids outfit
- White felt (1-2 sheets 9 x 12 inches)
- Green felt (about 1 yard or 4 sheets 9 x 12, depending on how large you want your leaves)
- Red felt (2 sheets 9 x 12 inches)
- Black or gray (to match your gray or black zip hoodie) felt (1 sheet 9 x 12 inches)
- Small black feather boa
- Black pipe cleaner
- Stuffing
- 2 wire hangers
- Black pantyhose
- Black elastic (about 1 yard)
- Safety pins
- Hot glue
- Needle and thread (any color)
- Double sided fabric tape
- Scissors
- Wire cutters
- Masking or duct tape
For the Venus Flytrap:
- Cut out strips of long teeth-like shapes from the white felt. Attach to the inside of the hood of the hoodie with double-sided fabric tape.
- Cut out four large leaf shapes from the green felt. Attach around the collar of the hoodie using safety pins.
Create the fly's eyes:
- Cut out two large circles (about twice the size you want the eyes to be) from the red felt.
- Using a needle and thread, loosely stitch around the perimeter of one circle. Once you have stitched all the way around the circle, start to pull the thread tight. The circle will begin to close into a ball.
- Before you close off the ball all the way, fill it with stuffing.
- Once you have filled it to your desired fullness, put a few more stitches into it to tie off the ball.
- Repeat with the second red felt circle.
- Use safety pins to attach the balls to the top of the hood of the hoodie to make your fly’s eyes.
Create the Fly's antenna:
- Wrap the feather boa around a black pipe cleaner. Use hot glue to secure.
- Bend into a “U” shape to look like 2 antennas.
- Attach to the top of the hood of the hoodie using safety pins. (If you have trouble pinning it, you can hot glue a small square of black or gray felt to the base of the antenna, and then pin the felt to the hood.)
Create the Fly's wings:
- Bend each of the two wire hangers into wing shapes.
- Use wire cutters and tape to remove/cover any excess or pokey wires
- Insert the wire wings into the two legs of the panty hose.
- Tie a knot in the panty hose at the top of each wing to keep to fabric in place, and then cut off the excess panty hose a couple inches above the knot.
- Hot glue the tops of the wings onto a piece of black or gray felt (a little smaller than the width of your child’s back)
- Hot glue two loops of black elastic onto the same piece of black or gray felt to be the arm straps for your wings.